Create Professional Skin Care Lines For Estheticians [6 Steps]


Creating professional skin care lines for estheticians requires a higher standard of forethought and planning than other cosmetics ranges. 

Consumers demand more from professional products – basic formulas that perform like every other serum or treatment just won’t cut it. 

But if you are new to the cosmetics business, creating skin care that measures up can be a challenge.

That’s why our in-depth guide below provides a step-by-step process for formulating professional skin care lines for estheticians from start to finish. 

Whether you are an esthetician launching your own range or a business owner who is new to the cosmetics industry, this guide is for you. 

We walk you through the entire process: from brainstorming skin care that will actually sell, or choosing a manufacturing method and supplier, to branding your products. 

Just keep reading! 

1. Conduct Thorough Market Research 

The first step to creating professional skin care lines for estheticians involves identifying gaps in the market for your business to fill. 

Set out to answer the following questions: 

  • What are the most common skin concerns bringing clients to the esthetician's clinic in the first place? 

  • Which skin issues are the most difficult to treat at the esthetician’s office? 

  • Which skin care products do estheticians recommend and use during the treatments?

  • How effective are the recommended products at solving these skin problems?  

For estheticians, much of this market research can take place at work. Speak to your existing client base and your colleagues first, and supplement your findings with further research online. 

If you are brand new to the industry, you will need to devote extra time to this market research process. 

Analyze the most common concerns on skin care and skin disorder forums, host focus groups with professional estheticians, and send surveys to the clients of estheticians asking how professional skin care products could be improved. 

Your expert skin care range should aim to provide new and more effective solutions to these skin issues. 

Once the first phase of your market research is complete, familiarize yourself with the latest developments in skin care technology and ingredient breakthroughs for ideas to set your products apart from competitors. 

2. Craft A Brand Identity & Brainstorm Product Ideas 

After the market research phase, it’s time to craft a unique identity for your professional skin care brand. 

The more superficial elements like the brand name or color scheme can wait. At this stage, focus on the types of products your brand will create for estheticians, and how your offer will stand out against your competitors. 

Imagine this scenario: your market research finds both clients and estheticians are not happy with the current products designed to treat hyperpigmentation.  

While researching online, you come across an article in Cosmetics Design Europe discussing a recently uncovered breakthrough ingredient to treat hyperpigmentation called Melasyl. 

Simply adding this exciting new ingredient to your hyperpigmentation product range and marketing correctly will differentiate your products from the competition and attract customers. 

3. Identify The Right Manufacturing Process For Your Business 

Once you have an idea of the types of products you want to add to your professional skin care lines for estheticians, it’s time to find the manufacturing method that is right for your business. 

Remember: not all suppliers offer the same services. Always ask about all the manufacturing options before you choose a skin care lab. 

The right manufacturing process for your brand depends on your budget and the customization required to develop your professional skin care lines for estheticians. 

Private Label 

If you have a limited budget, private label is the manufacturing method for you. Private labeling involves adding your own branding to a lab’s preformulated skin care products.

Although it is the most affordable process, none of the formulas are unique to your brand. 

Manufacturers typically offer these same preformulated products in large unbranded drums on a bulk basis – ideal to supply skincare for your client treatments while benefiting from bulk discount prices.

At Genie Supply, we offer over 60 preformulated clean, sustainable, and cruelty-free skin care products to choose from. Find the right match for your esthetician's skin care line by shopping samples on our website here.  

Custom Formulating 

Let’s be real: professional skin care lines for estheticians and basic formulas just don’t mix. 

Some degree of customization is expected.

Plus, many estheticians already have a dream custom skin care line in mind stemming from decades of dissatisfaction with the products currently on the market.

Custom formulating involves working with a lab’s team of professional chemists to formulate products from scratch and help bring that dream skin care range to life.

At Genie Supply, we specialize in novel chemical research, new-to-market concepts and formats, clean skin care, and hybrid products. Learn more about our custom formulating capabilities here. 

Custom Product Creation 

Although customization is key for estheticians' skin care lines, many new businesses lack the funds to custom formulate from day one. 

Introducing: custom product creation. 

This manufacturing method involves adding a limited number of customizations on top of a lab’s existing formula.

For example, if you want to create a skin care line to tackle hyperpigmentation containing the innovative ingredient Melasyl, you could simply add Melasyl to a manufacturer’s private label products. 

At Genie Supply, we provide two different custom product creation tiers to suit different budgets and offer ownership after 20k pcs. Learn more about custom product creation on our website here. 

4. Find The Best Manufacturer To Create Professional Skin Care Lines For Estheticians 

Once you have developed a brand concept, brainstormed the types of products you want to create, and identified the best manufacturing method for your business, it’s time to search for a manufacturer. 

Compare options to ensure you find the best fit for your professional skin care line. 

Use the following criteria as a guide: 

1. Manufacturing Method(s) Available  

Does this lab offer a wide array of manufacturing options from private labeling and custom product creation to custom formulating? Or are their product development capabilities more limited?

If you plan to use your products during client treatments, always look for a ‘bulk’ option.

At Genie Supply, our formulating capabilities include bulk, private label, custom product creation, and custom formulating. Find the right path for your business in our full guide here. 

2. Creates Products That Align With Your Vision 

Can this supplier create the types of products you need?

For example, some skin care manufacturers focus on body care - not the best fit for estheticians who work mainly on the face. 

If you are looking for preformulated products, check if their private label range contains the types of products that complement an esthetician’s services. 

Genie Supply offers a wide variety of products suitable for an esthetician’s skin care line from treatments to cleansers, serums, or creams. Learn more about our current products and manufacturing capabilities in our product catalog. 

3. Quality Of Ingredients & Effectiveness Of The Formula 

Are the ingredients used by this lab worthy of professional skin care for an esthetician’s office? 

Order plenty of samples to compare your options and rate the quality of the skin care from 1-10. 

At Genie Supply, we’re confident in the quality of our ingredients and formulas. We list all of our ingredients on our product pages and provide further information on the key skin care benefits of each product. Order samples straight from our website here. 

4. Ethical Standards For Safer, Kinder, And More Sustainable Skin Care 

Does the manufacturer show commitment to addressing ethical issues in the beauty industry?

From considering animal welfare to vetting the safety of each ingredient, clients are more concerned about the contents of professional-grade skin care than ever.  

At Genie Supply, we’re experts in formulating clean, sustainable, vegan, and cruelty-free skin care. Read more about our commitment to clean beauty here. 

5. The Total Cost Of Creating Your Products From Start To Finish

Does the total cost for the supplier’s services fit within your budget? Do they offer budget-friendly formulating packages? Is there any minimum order quantity (MOQ) in place? 

At Genie Supply, we offer a range of services at different price points to accommodate brands at any stage of their journey. Learn more about our unique scalable pricing strategy here. 

Shortlist all of the manufacturers that tick all of the 5 boxes. Make your final choice after a discovery call with the labs on the shortlist. 

5. Develop Your Branding and Design Customized Packaging 

Once the production of your products is underway, it’s time to develop your branding and create your customized packaging. 

Choose a brand name, craft your brand identity, and brainstorm the marketing strategy for your launch.

Hire a professional product designer to work on your color scheme and design customized packaging for your skin care range.

Some manufacturers provide multiple packaging options and even offer packaging customization services. 

At Genie Supply, we offer a range of packaging choices and provide customization services for the product and outer box packaging through screenprinting, hotfoiling, and labeling. Learn more in our packaging catalog here. 

6. Marketing Your Products At Your Clinic Or To Estheticians 

Once your professional skin care line for estheticians is fully packaged and ready for sale, it’s time to start selling. 

In the digital age, few brands can survive without an online presence. 

Begin your marketing journey by setting up your brand’s website and opening business accounts across social media channels.

Over time, consider investing in paid ads and SEO services to help with new customer acquisition. 

In sum, the top six steps to create professional skin care lines for estheticians include: 

  • Thorough market research

  • Crafting a brand identity 

  • Identifying the right manufacturing method for your business 

  • Finding the best supplier for your brand 

  • Developing your branding and customized packaging 

  • Marketing and selling your products (at your own clinic or to estheticians) 

Are you interested in creating professional skin care lines for estheticians? Genie Supply would love to bring your professional product lines to life. Learn more about our formulating capabilities via email: or call: (812) 329-1105.


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